Bottled Water Brand Makes A Big Splash At Walmart

Feb 25, 2021

Walmart has a hot new item that’s been selling like hot cakes and for the first time in history, a black-owned bottled water brand is gracing its shelves. Live Alkaline Water was founded by Dr. Shayla Creer and Robert McCray whose family owned the spring for over 100 years in North Carolina. Partnering up with Creer, they created the product.

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After being turned down by countless Walmart’s, a regional store decided to give them a shot.“I called… many Walmarts, and finally we got a hold of one who allowed us to do a presentation”On the first month of the product being sold on the shelves of Walmart, sales started to increase and the products were being sold out due to the high demand and support.Live Alkaline Water is now found in three different Walmart’s in northern Florida and some boutique shops.

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The company continues to scale up to meet all of the demand.Live Alkaline Water is composed of 100% organic minerals that work together to give you a natural boost of energy by cleansing your cells and getting rid of toxins in your body that slow you down.The water is sourced 800 feet below the ground in a natural underground spring and mineral rock bed, making it extremely 100% pure and crisp to the taste.

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